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Morton, IL
Wilmor Sportsmans Club logo
Wilmor Sportmans Club


Wilmor Sportsmans Club was founded in 1962 as a working man's club.  Our members can enjoy reasonable membership fees because members help in the running of club functions such as maintenance & fundraising activities.  Members can enjoy:  pheasant hunting, dog training, wild game dinners, an extensive 3D archery range, trap shooting, a rifle & pistol range, not to mention fishing on one of our many lakes.  It is a great way for family & friends to get together to enjoy the great outdoors.  



Please remember before using club facilities to check the calendar to make sure the clubhouse has not been previously reserved or is being used for other club activities or functions.  Work parties are constantly being created to maintain property grounds.  If you are interested in earning work parties, please see the property director for additional information.  


Clubhouse Rental:  Rental during hunting season cannot start before 3 PM on Saturday so that members can still utilize the facilities (gun range, trap, etc.) without restrictions. Reserve for rental & re-scheduled hunts must done one week in advance.


What's new with the property:

  • New pavilion down by the lake is 95% done.  When finished it will have picnic tables, electricity, grills, fish cleaning stations & storage.

  • If you see anything that needs to be done, please let the property director know. Thanks to everyone who showed up to the work parties.


Trash Alert:  if you see any trash while enjoying our facilities, please dispose of it.  In addition, if you happen to smoke, please make sure to pick up your cigarette/cigar butts and deposit them in the appropriate disposal container; doing so will help keep our club looking nice.




Wilmor Sportsman’s Club & the Morton police department sponsor the Illinois Hunter Safety classes through the IDNR.  Several of our members are certified instructors and classes fill up fast.  Classes are free, but students must attend all 10 hours of face to face instruction, and pass a multiple choice test in order to graduate.  The class includes instruction from a DNR officer on Illinois game laws.  Several club members assist in teaching safe firearms usage, pheasant, turkey, and deer hunting, as well as first aid and wildlife identification.  The students have an opportunity to participate in the following outside activities:  zones of fire, deer tree stands, safe fence crossing, bow hunting demonstration, & live firing at our trap targets.

Class sizes are limited to 65 students. Register by calling the Morton Police Dept at 309-266-6666.

Available Dates For 2025

  • April 18 & 19

  • Aug 8 & 9

  • Sept 26 & 27


Wilmor Sportsmans Club's pheasant hunting program consists of pen-raised birds, purchased young and raised to maturity.  This process takes the dedication of our members as they feed and water birds, clean & repair pens, monitor birds health, maintain hunting areas and promote safe hunting practices.  It is through this love for the outdoors that Wilmor has been able to ensure a wonderful place for families and friends to come together since 1962.


  • If you have not signed a waiver for this year, please fill one out return to a board member.  These can be found in the clubhouse, down by the lake, and under the members-only tab of this site.  Waivers signed by members will now be kept on permanent file, so there will be no further need to fill one out year after year.

  • If you are in need of work parties, please check with our hunting director.  There are usually lots of opportunities, from repairs on the pheasant pens to feeding birds. 

  • Hunts will be on Wednesdays & Saturdays at 7 am during the legal hunting season. If you hunt on a Wednesday & you come to a Saturday hunt, you must put a “W” behind your name, so you’ll go to the bottom of the list. To stay in-line with DNR’s rules & regulations make sure you go to the area you’re assigned.  Breakfast is served at 5:30 am for $8.   A second Saturday hunt will be held at 10 am.  The cost per bird is $12.

  • Pheasants now have blinders on them to keep them calmer which prevents injuries.  Blinders are clipped off when bagged for hunting.  Please do not throw blinders away; make sure to put them in the bucket by the pen door.

  • If you purchased a hunt from the auction, please give the hunting directors at LEAST one week’s notice in order to make proper arrangements.

  • FYI:  Hunting Calendar & all forms are located under the Members Only tab.

Hunter Safety
Archery Range
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The Spring League will begin on sometime early April.  Check back for an exact date.  The fee is $50 to cover the cost of the clay pigeons.  A light supper, beginning at 5pm is available for $5 at the trap pavilion each Tuesday during the league season.    If you have a group of 5 shooters  and want to sign up as a team, or if you're even interested in substituting, please see your captain or the trap director.  Teams will rotate starting times.  Shooting begins at 5:30, and will continue every half hour until all teams have shot out.  Please see the shooting sports director under the membership tab for more information.


New sporting clay stations have been set up.  Cost will be $10 (for 100 Targets). Please see hunting director or the Wilmore calendar for dates & times.  In addition, please remember to bring your eye & ear protection and 100 rounds of shotgun shells.


Thanks to everyone who donated time and resources in making our range one of the best in the area.   If you happen to use our facilities, please remove any paper targets, and remember to pick your brass and dispose of it in one of our many garbage cans. Also, when using our steel targets, please use only handguns, as larger loads or loads from rifles will pit and indent the steel plates. These are very expensive and we want them to last as long as possible​​.



Our 3D targets are in storage.  If you get them out, please put them back after using.  This extends the life of the targets and also prevents them from "walking off".

If you use paper targets, please make sure to take them down and dispose of them properly.

Safety:  when using the tree stand to practice elevated shooting, please make sure to use a safety harness and tie off to the tree.

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Please be sure to fill out the forms provided in the mailbox down by the lake to record the fish you catch and take home.  This will allow us to keep track of what fish need to be re-stocked.  

  • November - March:  Please be very careful, especially around the windmill, where the ice tends to be very thin. The IDNR website says Ice should be at least 4" thick to support your weight.  It says that ice more than 5” will support a snowmobile, and more than 8” will support a car or small pickup (let’s not be driving out on the ice please!).

  • Boat Information

    • Boat stickers are available; the cost is $20 per sticker.

    • Make sure your name is also on your boat.

  • General Membership Q & A 

    • Can the lower lake be fished?  A:  Not yet, the new red hybrid stripers need time to settle into their new habitat.

    • Should I be feeding the fish?  A:  No, too much food is going to waste.

    • Are minnos allowed?  No No & No!   We have spent alot of time cleaning out and stocking our lakes and don't want to run the risk of "garbage fish"


Located At

Located at: 17480 Washington RD, Morton, IL

Wilmor Sportmans Club
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